2011 Leicester Print workshop : Small print : Big impression :
An international exhibition of contemporary fine art mini prints touring :
Leicester : Northampton : Rufford : Matlock : Birmingham.
2012 International wood print “City of the world” project : Las Vegas: USA.
North Lincolnshire open print Exhibition : Barton on Humber (commended).
2013 The Langhlin library and art gallery : Las Vegas : USA.
2014 International wood print “Fantasy garden” project :
Bishop Grosseteste University, Lincoln UK :
The Hahndorf Academy, South Australia.
The International Moku Hanga Print exhibition :Tokyo : Japan.
2015 Solo print exhibition Artlink Gallery : Hull.
Joint art exhibition at the Malvern Gallery: Shropshire: UK.
2016 West Yorkshire Print : Mirfield : Yorkshire : UK.
The Parks Theatre : Adelaide : Australia.
2017 International print exhibition ”Animalia” Australia.
Ausstellungsmeinschaft Neustadt in Holstein : Germany.
2018 Solo exhibition at The Forge Gallery : Hackthorn : Lincoln.
Green Door Open Print Exhibition : Derby : UK.
2019 Steel Rooms Winter Exhibition: Brigg : Lincolnshire : UK.
2020 Museu Casada Xilogravura Campos do jordao : Brazil.
Mini print exhibition Faro Cabo Mayor Art Centre : Cantabria : Spain.
2021 Mini print exhibition : Cervantes Institute : Bordeaux : France
         International Print Exhibition Typawb, Wrexham,UK
Recent Exhibitions
© copyright Harry French 2024
West Sahara Library / Nevada Arts USA.
2011 Leicester Print workshop : Small print : Big impression :
An international exhibition of contemporary fine art mini prints touring :
Leicester : Northampton : Rufford : Matlock : Birmingham.
2012 International wood print “City of the world” project : Las Vegas: USA.
North Lincolnshire open print Exhibition : Barton on Humber (commended).
2013 The Langhlin library and art gallery : Las Vegas : USA.
2014 International wood print “Fantasy garden” project :
Bishop Grosseteste University, Lincoln UK : West Sahara Library / Nevada Arts USA.
TheHahndorf Academy, South Australia.
North Lincolnshire open print Exhibition : Barton on Humber.
The International Moku Hanga Print exhibition :Tokyo : Japan.
2015 Solo print exhibition Artlink Gallery : Hull.
Joint art exhibition at the Malvern Gallery: Shropshire: UK.
2016  West Yorkshire Print : Mirfield : Yorkshire : UK.
The Parks Theatre : Adelaide : Australia.
2017 International print exhibition ”Animalia” Australia.
Ausstellungsmeinschaft Neustadt in Holstein : Germany.
2018 Solo exhibition at The Forge Gallery : Hackthorn : Lincoln.
Green Door Open Print Exhibition : Derby : UK.
2019 Steel Rooms Winter Exhibition: Brigg : Lincolnshire : UK.
2020 Museu Casada Xilogravura Campos do jordao : Brazil.
Mini print exhibition Faro Cabo Mayor Art Centre : Cantabria : Spain.
2021 Mini print exhibition : Cervantes Institute : Bordeaux : France
         International Print Exhibition Typawb, Wrexham,UK
Recent Exhibitions
© copyright Harry French 2024